Hello, I’m Abdelkareem Elkhateb, I like to train deep neural nets on distinct domains, interested in improving current web developements with AI applications.

“فتًى جاهدَ الدّنيا وجاهد أهلَها وفي نفسهِ لم يَدرِ كيف يجاهدُ”

This blog is where I document my journey to learn about programming, deep learning, and AGI.

Currently I’m Learning NLP, Generative AI, Recs, and IR to build charming language models that able to talk, hear and see, made me some coffee

I love building Astro.js websites and powering them with AI, like kam_calorie, Awazly, and more.

My research focuses on Arabic NLP, small model optimization, image denoising, and vector computing.

💼 Get In Touch

Do you need help operationalizing ML, Recommendition systems or large language models?

I’m open to consulting work and other forms of advisory. Email me at kareem01095134688@gmail.com if you’d like to chat!

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